The Regular Pioneers are desperate. I caught up with my mother at the mall and she brought along her friend, a sister. While my kid was playing on one of those mechanical cars, I asked my mother to watch him so I could grab a few things from the supermarket. When I came out, her friend was talking to two women (strangers) nearby. "She's giving a Witness," my mother whispered. Cool. When it came time for the ladies to extract themselves from my mother's friend and her pesky little iPad, I told my mother I needed to go back to her house to collect some mail. She said, "okay, but first I have to give some magazines to the locksmith over there. Your father used to call on him a while ago." My mother's friend said, "no. Save him for tomorrow. I just showed the two women the Website, so we are still counting our time."
Pathetic. Always on a timetable. Always focusing on the hours and all personal interest is lost. You know that new Kingdom Melody song lyric, "it's the person, not the face"? I beg to differ. "It's the hours that you get, it's a never ending threat..."